Thursday, March 6, 2008

Privilege- on the lot...

This is actually an old post- I meant to put it out last October... sorry...

(written by Jeff)
So, I was sitting in the parking lot on the first night of the Chicago shows for
Phil and Friends, handing out food and water, and I was having this conversation with Jesus.
These were my Questions:
“Why am I out here?... I haven’t told anybody about you... I haven’t prayed for anyone...
Am I doing anything to benefit or further your kingdom?... I see the other guys talking to
people about you, praying for people, but I don’t feel like you have led me to say anything
to anybody, or to pray for anybody….So, once again, why am I here?” And this is how I
felt like the LORD answered me: “I don’t need you to do anything...All I
want you to do is to show these kids my love; I want you to love them...Show them a
part of me that they have never seen.” I felt like the LORD said, “You get to have
the privilege of being here and seeing Me at work.” It wasn’t until a couple of
weeks later in Charleston, SC in the lot of a Widespread Panic show that I had the
privilege to see Jesus at work right in front of me. This is what happened…
We had set up next to this vendor who was selling mimosas,
burritos, hair wraps, and some jewelry. Through the course of the night we had
some chances to have small talk with him, but nothing earthshaking. Once the show
started, the lot emptied out and he came over to our table to fix himself a cup of hot
chocolate and he noticed the milk crate of Bibles we had on the table. He picked one up
and said,”My favorite verse, Psalm, Psalm 101…” and he opened the Bible up to
Psalm 101 and began reading it out loud, but stopped after a few verses and said, “No, I
haven’t read this before…” and began to read out loud again, but trailed off after a
couple more verses and read on silently. At that moment you could almost see the light
come on and the Holy Spirit begin to speak to this man. He read on silently, then
looked up at us and said, “You’ll have to excuse me, I’m really digging on this.” He
finished reading Psalm 101, put the Bible back in the crate, nodded to us and went
back to vending his stuff. The question is, What did we do?... Other than be present?